Monday, February 14, 2011

Okay...There's Been a Slight Change in Dates...

We're learning early from this experience that flexibility is the key.  Our life is no longer our own.  "They" tell us where and when to go and -- we go.  Tomorrow's chemo/radiation start-date has been changed to Wednesday, Feb. 16.  Tomorrow we'll go to oncology at St. Joe's to have the dressing on John's picc line changed and to radiation to have some films (and probably the infamous tattoos) done.
The picc insertion went without a hitch.  I got to don cap and mask (ala "Grey's Anatomy") and stay for the procedure to hold John's hand.  I did not, however, get meet either Dr. McDreamy or Dr. McSteamy.  Those of you who are "Grey's" fans will know who I'm talking about.  Naomi, the nurse who performed the procedure, was super.  She's an outstanding nurse with 35 years of practicing experience.  She and John discussed beer, in particular a favorite that she can no longer find at Haggen.  I think John should do something about that for her since he received such great TLC.  Anyway, he held up quite well with a minimum amount of grimacing.
And that's all I know for today.  I will keep you all apprised of chemo and radiation progress.  It's going to be pretty tough, with fatigue no doubt playing a big role in affecting John and his day-to-day life.
Again, thank you all.  My rosary beads are working overtime and your support is making all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy! The journey come John didn't get a Port-a-cath inserted as opposed to the PICC line? It sounds like you have a great team in your neck of the woods, as a team is what you need. It's one day at a time right'll get through it....stay strong! (occasional meltdowns are allowed) :) KK
