Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some Good News and Some So-So News

We had some good news at today's daily radiation appointment.  Dr. Taylor said that John would be done with radiation March 25.  Yippee!  We thought he would have to go through to the 30th.  And double-good news is that films confirmed that the tumor has shrunk.  We suspected as much because John's swallowing has improved.  (Tonight's dinner was  gratins of prawns with carrots/leeks and a side of broccoli.)
The so-so news was John's blood counts.  Every Wednesday we have to go to the chemo department at St. Joe's Hospital to have the dressing changed on his picc line.  They draw blood at the same time and check white cell count, nutrophil count, red cell count, platelets, etc., etc., etc.  Today's results showed that his white and nutrophil counts were very, very low and he was advised to "avoid public places for the next couple of days."  The wine department at Haggen's is about as public as you can get.  So John's home today and tomorrow.  Which is good.  The shot that he received last Friday to stimulate his bone marrow to generate white cells is kicking in -- despite of having a low reading today -- causing him some severe aching in his legs and back. As of this writing he is firmly ensconced on the couch with a quilt and kitty nearby, watching Mariner spring training.
I say this in nearly every posting, but "Thank You."  Thank you for for sticking with us during this whole process.  Thank you for your positive well wishes and prayers.  And thank you for caring.  I'll stay in touch...Nancy.

1 comment:

  1. All normal stuff.....had to chuckle at the Uncle Fester comment....very, very glad to hear all is going well, the tumor is shrinking and it's more enjoyable to eat! Strength and hugs......kk
