Monday, June 27, 2011

Latest Update on Future Chemo

I meant to update the blog earlier this weekend.  However, I was teaching a 3-day watercolor workshop which took up all my time.  (I have to say it was nice to be doing something besides medical stuff!  I know John is looking forward to going back to his job and his Haggen "family," his customers and -- of course -- the wonderful world of wine and beer.  That will, hopefully, be this coming Thursday.)
Last Thursday we had a consult with Dr. Rosales, oncologist at Virginia Mason, about concerns we both have about John undergoing chemotherapy that includes 5FU.  Our questions were answered and we will be forging ahead with chemo in Bellingham as well as with radiation treatment.  Initial appointments are for next week and, I expect, treatments will begin shortly thereafter; around the first or second week of July.  We've been told that chemo could last as long as two months.  Radiation, we don't know.
Some good news is that John has been able to cut back on the amount of "bag-o-meal" he receives via his feed tube; down from five cans to two.  His oral intake is gradually increasing, but he continues to eat  several small "meals" a day.  A bit of a concern is the discomfort he's been experiencing internally in the area of the tube when he eats.  So we're checking with Dr. Low (surgeon) to see if perhaps the tube could come out altogether.  Always something new and exciting on this journey.  You wish you knew what to expect, when to expect it, and when all this crap will go away for good!  John's being a trooper with very little bitching, considering the situation.  I'm very proud of him and admire his perseverance.
We've been working on a jigsaw puzzle of Montmartre Cathedral in Paris.  (Isn't that something old people do?  Work on jigsaw puzzles?  I guess if the shoe fits...)  When this one is finished, we'll donate it to the Bellingham Cancer Center.  I hope you will continue to do a puzzle or two a year with your family, even if you're NOT old-folk, and pass it along to your local hospital or cancer treatment center.
Once again, I have to thank you for staying with us and following along.  Your friendship and support remain, as always, near to our hearts...Nancy

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