Saturday, July 30, 2011

1.5 Weeks Down...5 Weeks 'Til Next Phase

Okay...So we're one-and-a-half weeks into the chemo/radiation thing.  We thought it would be 6 weeks of radiation.  But the folks at the Bellingham Cancer Center must REALLY like John as they've made his treatment schedule 6-1/2 weeks.  Now that 1/2 week may not seem like a long time to you.  But holy crap, it's ONLY the end of July.  We feel like we should be putting up the bloody Christmas tree by now!  I shouldn't complain, really, as -- all things considered -- we are plugging along with very few concerns.
Trying to put things delicately, John did have a bout of the "Hershey Squirts" about a week ago.  If you're looking for a hot stock tip, perhaps you might consider the manufacturer of Immodium AD.  But that condition now seems to be under control.  He still has his hair, which has come back more-salt-than-pepper with a slight curl.  If things transpire as they did during his first series of chemo infusions back in February/March, John should have the pirate look about this time next week...sans earring, of course.
He lost 6+ pounds last week.  As Dr. Taylor previously stated, radiotheraphy makes your body burn calories like it's running a marathon -- even if the marathon is taking place in your new La-Z-Boy recliner in front of your flatscreen TV.  (I think John's bout of you-know-what may have had something to do with the weight loss, too.  But can I please get some of that radiation?)  He's increasing his oral intake and still getting two cans of "bag-o-meal" overnight.  This a.m.'s breakfast was three strips of bacon, one egg scrambled (in butter, of course) and two pieces of buttered -- that's B-U-T-T-E-R-E-D -- toast.
Friend Maureen (Haggerty) Blum came up last Monday to pick up a special order of wine she placed with John for their daughter's upcoming wedding reception in early August. John's now a "rock star" wine specialist up here as the word is out that he's getting business from the big city of Seattle.  Thank you, Maureen!
And my "first wife" Pam Myers-Sloane came up for an overnight visit.  Pam and I lived together for a few years after graduating WSU before John and I "shacked up."  Although I refer to Pam as my "first wife," don't get any funny ideas...It was strictly platonic, although we had a rousingly good time as single advertising "execs" in Seattle.  I have many good memories of those years.  Anyway, Pam brought up a slew of jigsaw puzzles which are now at the Cancer Center.  They extended their thanks for the much-appreciated donation.  While she was here, John played sommelier for an at-home wine tasting.  His taste buds for wine don't seem to be affected by the chemo yet.  Pam enjoyed the wine; so much so that she had to sample the "dump bucket" blend at the end of the tasting.
Although time still seems to crawl along for us, the glorious summer weather is really helping to brighten our spirits.  And your friendship, support and prayers helps lighten our load.  You must be sending the right "vibes" as John's getting through all of this with strength and a wonderful attitude.
When I get to the point of closing each entry, I can't help but get a little overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude...I sign this as always with sincerest thanks to and for you all...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. Give John my best Nancy. Been following along with your blog. Life has been busy but been thinking about you two. Take care....Dee
