Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Started

First off, thank you to everyone we've spoken to so far about John's diagnosis.  The love and support of friends and family is appreciated, literally, more than we can say.  So thank you.
I thought starting a blog -- isn't that what everyone does these days? -- would be the best way to keep you all up to date with John's progress.  And that's how we're going to approach this whole a progress.
You probably know all the details so far, but here's where things stand right now.  John had been experiencing minor difficulty swallowing beginning late summer.  He would have the sensation of food getting "stuck" behind his breastbone.  A drink of water took care of it.  This initially only happened at lunch when he'd head out to his car to read and eat.  But then it started happening at dinner and he told me about it.  So I said to go to the doctor.  Our family doc, Dr. Martin Piatt, gave John a prescripton for Prilosec and referred him to a gastro-intestinal doctor, Dr. Dana Stiner.  Last Tuesday, Jan. 11, John went to see Dr. Stiner who ordered an endoscopy which was performed the following day.  They found a node and took a biopsy.  On Thursday we got the diagnosis of esophageal cancer.  (I never knew how to spell "esophageal" without looking it up in the dictionary.  Pretty crappy way to learn something.)
Where things are right now?  John's gets to drink two big bottles of barium tomorrow before a CAT scan tomorrow.  Wednesday, he goes in for a PET scan.  The results of these two scans will give a better picture of the tumor and determine if radiation and/or chemo is needed to shrink the tumor prior to surgery.  Surgery will in all likelihood be at Virginia Mason in Seattle.  We don't have a schedule yet and will know much more after seeing Dr. Stiner and getting the scan results.
On a positive note, John's appetite is just dandy and mine has tanked.  That's a good thing.  He's going to work, feels the same and is being the pragmatic one about the whole thing.
So we're on this journey together.  And by together, I mean all of you.  Thanks for your thoughts, love, prayers, chants, candle lighting...whatever your mode of sending good "ju-ju" is.  You are each one loved and appreciated....Nancy


  1. Hi John and Nancy
    Daphne kindly forwarded your blog message to me, and both LeRoy and I are so sorry to learn of your diagnosis, John.
    I know just how scary a cancer diagnosis can be; how your world turns upside down in an instant. I also know just how wonderful the doctors, nurses and technicians who care for cancer patients are - you are surrounded by the very best people. Also, do know that we are just two among many, many people who are holding you in our hearts for strength and for healing.
    The words of John O'Donohue, the Irish poet/philosopher, were of great assistance to me and I offer a portion of his Blessing: For a Friend on the Arrival of Illness in the hope that you may find them of help as well.
    "Now is the time of dark inmvitation
    Beyond a frontier you did not expect;
    Abrutply, your old life seems distant....

    when the reverberations of shock subside in you,
    May grace come to restore you to balance.
    May it shape a new space in yourheart
    To embrace this illness as a teacher
    Who has come to open your life to new worlds....
    May you find in yourself
    A courageous hospitality
    Towards what is difficult,
    Painful and unknown.
    May you learn to use this illness
    As a lantern to illuminate
    The new qualities that will emerge in you....
    May you keep faith with your body,
    Learning to see it as a holy sanctuary
    Which can bring this night-wound gradually
    Towards the healing and freedom of dawn."

    If you would like the full blessing, I'll be happy to send it on.

    You have each other's hands to hold as you begin the walk down the healing pathway and a whole lot of other hands encircling you from a distance.

    Take much care -

  2. Well shit. All luck & love to you guys.

    Thanks for making this blog; I'll keep a close eye on it & hope to see you sometime when you're down this way and so inclined.

    *bearhugs* ♥
