Thursday, January 20, 2011

Post-Scan Upate

After John's two scans (the CAT scan this past Tuesday and yesterday's more comprehensive PET scan), we received the BEST possible news from G.I. Jane this morning.  The cancer has not spread.  It shows it is "isolated to the one lesion [tumor] in the lower esophagus" and shows one lymph gland slightly enlarged and a spot on a nearby rib.  We are immeasurably relieved and are very, very optimistic that John's cancer can be tackled successfully.  The next step will be to get paperwork handled for the referral to Dr. Low at Virginia Mason in Seattle who we hope will be the surgeon handling John's case.  We don't know at this time what pre-surgery action needs to be taken with regards to any chemo, radiation, etc.
John did extremely well with yesterday's scan.  The PET is conducted in one of those famously confining tubes that many of us find very claustrophobic.  There was no prep involved with this scan (unlike the barium -- without  vodka -- for the CAT scan).  John had to follow a high-protein/low-carb diet for 24 hours prior to the exam and fast for 6 hours before his appointment.  So after being on the "Atkins" plan for a single day, he probably lost 2 pounds.  Because certain foods get stuck (steak and chicken are the biggest culprits), I'm trying to stick to softer foods...Like tonight's pasta bolognese which should take care of those 2 lost pounds.
Words cannot express the appreciation for the thoughts and prayers from each and every one of you.  I know people say that all the time and it sounds so cliche.  But it is truly impossible to thank you all enough for your support.  Please know that you  so very treasured as friends and family.  Keep those prayers and wishes going.  We're not out of the woods yet, but at least there's now light coming through the trees.  We'll keep you posted on any further news.  Love you all...

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