Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Early Scope Procedure

John was supposed to have his urology scope on December 7.  But at the last minute (Monday) it was moved to today.  That being said, everything "looks" fine.  Other than some mild ureter swelling -- why Dr. Pettit doesn't know -- there is no sign of cancer.  Whew!  We can take a breath.  The doctor removed the stent that had been placed a few weeks ago when John had experienced pain caused by the narrowing of the ureter.
Where do we go from here?  Well, we had planned to stay at a friend-of-a-friend's Whidbey Island cottage the first part of December.  But John's original "scope schedule" put the kibosh on that.  So we're just going to stay close to home...See the oncologist, Dr. Nestor, next week for a follow-up and -- hopefully -- enjoy the HECK out of Christmas!  Then we'll wait around for scans, more appointments, etc.
This posting seems so anti-climactic.  When one first gets a cancer diagnosis, the world is instantly turned upside down and you jump on the cancer treadmill and GO!  When treatment is over and you enter the world of monitoring, waiting for the words "you're in remission," it's like someone pulled the plug on the treadmill and everyone disappears.  John and I look at each other as if to say, "Holy crap!  What was all that about?!?!?"  But now...we wait...and continue to pray and hope...and especially thank God for all of you.  We'll be around.  I'll keep you posted on any developments -- especially the good ones.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah...and always our love and thanks...Nancy

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