Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Wouldn't Be Christmas Without at Least 1 Doctor's Appointment

Merry Christmas!  We've made it this far and are looking forward to the holiday -- We have much to celebrate; namely John's gradual recovery progress and YOU. You, our friends, family and John's co-workers, are our real Christmas blessings!
John has a follow-up appointment with his urologist, Dr. Pettit, this coming Tuesday. Hopefully it will be just that:  a "follow-up-howdy-doody-just-checking-to-see-how-things-are-going" appointment.  And so far, things seem to be coming out A-OK in John's urology department (no pun intended).  I guess it just wouldn't be the holidays without SOME kind of visit to see a doctor.  It's like a gift that keeps on giving.
As we near the end of this year, our "annus horribilus" as Queen Elizabeth once called one of her family's year of chaos, I want to send you all wishes for a Christmas of love, peace and health.  And may next year be a year of "annus joyous" for us all, especially Sean and Julie in Vancouver, BC who have been through this same challenge of esophageal cancer this year. Our love and prayers are right back at you!
Our journey continues as John moves on to regular scans and checks.  But you are all coming with us, in our hearts and prayers.  Thank you for your positive words, emails, cards, thoughts and love...Your presence has truly made all the difference...Nancy

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