Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Come On!!!!!

John's urology appoint was, indeed, a "howdy-doody-just-checking" follow up.  All's good in that department.  However....
His nausea is still an issue.  We've spoken with Dr. Low's office (surgeon) who reiterated that John must eat smaller amounts MORE OFTEN -- like six times a day.  And keep fluids going.  All common sense and John said he would make an effort in that department.  It's important to remember that that he doesn't have a stomach anymore; just a tube.  And that tube needs to maintain its shape and not stretch.  The mechanics of a normal stomach are that it has a natural "muscular" contraction that not only stirs around digestive juices with what you eat, it pushes food into the intestines for absorption into the body.  John's system relies on gravity only.  If food sits in a "stretched out" stomach too long, it will lead to acid indigestion and heartburn...which started this whole cancer thing to begin with.  So, no more than one cup of food in at a time.  Picture eating an egg salad sandwich like this:  First you eat one slice of the bread from the sandwich.  An hour and a half later, you eat the egg filling.  Wait another hour and a half and eat the other piece of bread.  There.  You've taken three hours to eat a simple egg salad sandwich.  Whoopee!  Wasn't that yummy?
Yesterday was a good day.  But today is a downer for John as the nausea came on just after he ate his breakfast scone.  Understandably he's discouraged.  I mean, how do you make yourself eat when you feel like what you're going to eat is just going to come right back up?  And he never feels "hungry."
I'm pissed off about the whole thing.  First of all, I want my husband to just feel good all day for more than a day here and a day there.  I'd trade going back to having monthly menstrual cramps (and they were doozies!) if it meant that John could feel more like his "old self.
The second thing that I'm pissed about is that we had to go get John some new pants yesterday.  His one-month-old pants would be a perfect costume for him to wear to a try-out for Ringling Brothers Circus.  He's now a studly 36/32 in jeans.  Eat your heart out, Mathew McConaughey!  (We just need to KEEP John this size.)  I, on the other hand, still resemble Mrs. Michelin Tire Man.  If someone could invent an "organ donor" program for fat, I'll be the first to sign up!
There.  I feel somewhat better.  Thanks for listening.  Like Rosanne Rosanna Danna ('70's "Saturday Night Live") used to say, "If it's not one thing, it's another..."  And the other thing is that your support is keeping ME going...Merry Christmas, peace and joy to us all...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy! Is there any possibility John could try either Reglan (Metoclopramide) or Erythromycin to help with intestinal motility??? It would be worth asking....and..try some smoothies with protein powder to get the calories in....Despite this issue---I think you are in for a Happy New Year!!!! :) Karen K
