Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sad News

Thursday night, I took John to the ER as he had developed a fever and was having difficulties in the "#2" area for a few days...namely, nothing was going on.  Tests and a CT scan showed that his cancer has spread.  There is a mass in his abdomen and enlarged lymph nodes.  As both his ureters were again compromised, one almost completely blocked, two stents were put in (one on each side) which has alleviated his physical discomfort.
However, after consulting with Dr. Nestor (oncologist) we all concur that the battle is done.  So we have signed up with hospice and will take things one day at a time.  The care that John has been receiving from the very beginning has been nothing short of exceptional, supportive, professional and -- most of all -- kind.
As I write, John is still in hospital and was due to be discharged today.  However he developed some back pain for which he has received medication and a fancy-schmancy heating pad to provide relief.  They'll keep him one more night for observation, just to make sure those stents are doing their job.  He'll come home tomorrow and we'll try to make things as normal as possible.
So I'm asking that you keep walking with us on this last journey, the road not yet taken but an inevitable path for us all.  We're going to try to keep the following thoughts in our hearts as we move forward.  And these are our wishes for you, too:  "Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.  And remember what joy there is in silence...And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul...With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world.  Be careful.  Strive to be happy."  [The Desiderata]  I wish you all peace and happiness and, mostly, love...And on we go....Nancy


  1. Big hugs, big tears, big prayers, and more big's just not fair.....
