Monday, January 9, 2012

New CT Scan

As I write, we are in hospital again awaiting a CT scan to see if the stents that were placed last week are still working or if there's something going on with John's kidneys.  He has not produced any urine, except for about 3-4 Tablespoons for the past 36 hours.  A hospice nurse came to the house yesterday afternoon and inserted a catheter with very little result.  So we came to St. Joe's nightmare of an ER, FINALLY managed to get one of their infamous "hospitalists" (the wanna-be-staff docs) to admit John so he could get into "the system."  John has a bed in the day surgery area and we're waiting for someone to take him for his scan.  Labs have been drawn and a urinalysis will be done on the existing urine.
What this shows will determine our next step.  Either the stents are not working and they will be replaced if it's determined that John is strong enough to handle the procedure.  He has had nothing to eat since yesterday and even that was miniscule.  He's had nothing to drink since mid-day yesterday either, but is now receiving IV fluids.  If the scan shows kidneys, we may have the option of putting tubes directly into the kidney to drain them.  If labs show that his kidney function is non-existent, then it's probably time for hospice house.
John and I were to have left for Seattle today in advance of a flight to Maui tomorrow.  We were to renew our wedding vows at Kapalua Bay on the 16th.  We will be married 30 years on Feb. 6 this year.  Muriel Ferguson, a hospital chaplain we have come to know throughout this past year of chemo/radiation treatments here at St. Joe's has offered to officiate.  We'll renew those vows, either here in hospital, home or at hospice house, and mean them even more than the first time we said them on that gloriously sunny day in February those many years ago.
I don't have the energy to check this entry for grammar or check spelling.  This is an incredible journey, one that we all will make at some time.  I was just hoping ours would have been a little later in our lives.  Your prayers are, truly, keeping me going...John sends his love to you all...I send you that and gratitude...Nancy

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