Monday, April 9, 2012

Final Farewell

On this past glorious Saturday, April 7 (Easter Saturday), John's ashes were lowered into Samish Bay about 1/2 mile off the beach of Larrabee State Park.  This park, situated on Washington's famous Chuckanut Drive, has always been very special to John and I.  Fred Higgins and his wife Carolyn supplied the boat and the three of us headed out at about 5:00 p.m.  My mother, brother Rob, John's brother Ray and his daughter Emory witnessed from shore.  Along with John's urn, I floated a hand-tied bouquet of cherry blossoms from our friend and neighbor Linda Steckler and a daphne odora blossom (one of John's favorites) from our garden.
When John's body was cremated, I asked if a card that I had given him this last Christmas could go with him.  It was an "invitation" to our 30th anniversary wedding vow renewal which I had arranged as a surprise when we were to have been on Maui this last January.  As you know, that trip was never taken.
Among other things that I that wrote to John in that invitation was a verse from a Valentine's Day card he had given me several years ago.  It is the most beautiful card I have ever received and it perfectly sums up what I feel about John.  I'd like to end this blog by sharing those words with you:
     "You are the dream I wake from in the night...
             you are the first sweet morning thing I see.
       You are the bed, the roof above my are the shining light
             You are the home I always hoped love would be.
       You are my sun, my moon, my life --
              My beloved eternity."
Be sure to tell the ones you love that you do indeed love them.  You'll never regret letting them know, without a doubt, how you feel.  I know how John felt about me and vice versa.  We left nothing unsaid.  And I'm thankful for that.
Maybe I'll start a "Nancy's Progress" blog.  Or perhaps I'll just update my Facebook that I've finally succumbed to social networking.  In the meantime, I thank each of you with all my heart for your love, friendship and support.  And I love you, John...for all eternity...Nancy

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