Monday, August 15, 2011

A Little Bump in the Road

This past Friday, John started to experience food getting stuck again.  This time at an area higher than when this whole thing started.  Now before you start "freaking out" (as I seem to do ANYTIME something that disrupts progress happens) this is very normal.  Because John's receiving radiation every day, Monday through Friday, the area being treated is getting irritated and swollen.  After a weekend off and taking some  liquid "Tylenol," his swallowing is better today.  HOWEVER (isn't there always a bloody "however" somewhere in this mess?) we are going to be modifying John's diet and, once again, going to softer foods.  Foods like well-cooked pasta, soup and -- of course -- ice cream.  Yippee!!!!  Love having that stuff in the house as I have the self-control of a panther in heat when it comes to ice cream.
So there are 14 more radiation treatments to go and, once those are finished, hopefully John will recover and be able to eat a more normal diet.  We think Dr. Taylor (radiologist) and Dr. Low (surgeon) will most likely want to do a swallow study to get a clear picture on exactly what is going on and where.  Whether that will be in Seattle or Bellingham remains to be seen.
So I just thought I'd share this little tidbit of info with you and keep you apprised of the situation.  Speaking of "situation," I am ashamed to admit that I watched the season premier of "Jersey Shore: Italy."  Mike "The Situation" and Nicole "Snookie" are already getting things heated up.  I got hooked on this pathetic program this past spring while searching for the stupidest things in the world that would get my mind off of John's cancer.  Now you know my dirty little secret.
For now I bid you "Ciao!" and will, of course, let you know what's going on with John.  I hope these blogs give you a little smile once in a while.  They, along with "Jersey Shore," are great therapy for me.  As always, you have my thanks for your support, friendship and prayers...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. "two steps forward, one back", so the story goes. Remember, it's all just a means to an end - with Hawaii on that end !!
