Friday, August 26, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

As of this morning, John has only 5 more days of radiotherapy (next Monday through Friday).  He was feeling a little achy -- the result of his bone marrow working on its own to build up neutrophils that become white blood cells -- and, unfortunately, a little more nauseated than usual.  So after this morning's radiation appointment, his medications got his "stomach" calmed down and he went to work.
Today's local temperatures are in the mid to high 70's with the forecast to hit 80; so it's definitely summer weather.  But John called needing to come home early (like noon early) due to chills and an overall "flu-like" feeling.  His temperature is running 99.7F, again probably because of having his "White Blood Cell Factory" working overtime.  But if it hits 100.5F, we'll have to go see our good friends at St. Joe's Hospital.  Never a dull moment in the Grigsby household.  I'll keep you apprised of any developments over the weekend. Hopefully there will be none.
So gather the family together this weekend; put together a picnic (don't forget the wine!); take your Frisbies, badminton sets, baseballs, etc -- and your jigsaw puzzles -- and head for the great outdoors for some good old fashioned summer fun.  We'll be with you in spirit.  And have a beer for us. Thanks for checking in and, as ALWAYS, my love and appreciation to each of you for your friends and support...Nancy

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