Thursday, August 18, 2011

Swallow Test Averted

Just a quick posting to let you all know that John did not need a swallow least for now.  The swelling in his throat, probably the cumulative result of consecutive days of radiation, went down after some taking some acetaminophen and the weekend's break from treatment.  He's now four days into this week and, so far, so good.  He is, however, avoiding pastrami for the time being and sticking mainly to soft foods.
I'd like to thank those of you who continue to send emails, blog postings, the occasional card, and lots of prayers and well wishes.  It is a real boost -- to both of us -- knowing that you're still on this journey with us.  Two more weeks of radiation before the final rounds of chemo.  I believe I see a pinpoint of light ahead...and all of you waiting for us when we get there.  As always I sign off with love and thanks...Nancy

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