Thursday, September 22, 2011


This, thankfully, is just a quickie.  John had his first "new recipe" of chemo two days ago.  So far (and it's still early for the drugs to really kick in) he's had a little more nausea than before.  This could be a combination of the new chemotherapy drugs and the fact that he's still healing from radiation which ended September 2.  He is taking his anti-nausea meds which are helping.  I asked him how he liked having "morning sickness" for so long.  I think he has a new appreciation and respect for pregnant women.
So far, so good.  One down, two to go...Your thoughts and prayers are keeping us both going...Love and thanks...Nancy

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Chemo Tomorrow

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything.  That's a good thing since nothing much has been going on.  We've reported to the infusion center each Tuesday morning so that John's picc line dressing could be changed and his blood levels checked.  All has been going well.  He's still be having problems with nausea, probably a result of his previous chemo and still-healing from all that radiation.  But the nausea medication is keeping things in check.  Hopefully they will continue to do so with the new "chemo recipe."
Something good to report is that John has not needed overnight tube feedings for about a week now as he's maintaining his weight by, simply, eating.  He had put on a couple of pounds so we decided to forego the "bag-o-meal" and see how things went.  So far he's keeping his weight steady.  But the feeding tube will remain in place during these next rounds of chemo as a safeguard should nausea become a complication.
I will let you know how things go tomorrow.  If the pattern remains the same as with previous chemo, John should feel "okay" until this coming weekend.  That's when his neutrophil/white cell counts plummeted in the past.
I've still got the rosary beads going daily and I thank you for doing "the same...." whatever that is for you.  The journey continues.  I am holding your hands and carrying you in my heart...Nancy

Monday, September 5, 2011

Oops! I Ate Too Much...

Last evening, a stunningly gorgeous Sunday of Labor Day weekend, we were invited to an "End of Summer" BBQ at friends Bob and Jenise Stone's home in Birch Bay Village.  "The Village" is the largest residential community in Birch Bay -- some 1300 homes -- and the Stone's gorgeous (and I mean GORGEOUS) residence is right smack dab on the beach.  Jenise has a well-deserved reputation for cuisine and last night's BBQ was no exception.  There was fresh cracked crab caught that morning and served al fresco on their patio; flank steak prepped with a dry-cure rub of curry, sugar, salt/pepper that Bob cooked to perfection; a delicious salad of assorted fresh tomatoes, most from the Stone's own garden; and a fresh bean/potato salad.  And, of course, this being a gathering of mostly "wine geeks," there was wine.  Lots of wine.  And somebody in our family (without naming names, it wasn't me) overindulged.  The Food Police (that would be me) was taking the evening off and not watching her perp (that would be John) as closely as usual.
What happens when a person who is supposed to eat about one cup of food every hour or two eats and drinks about three times that much?  I will tell you.  They have to have their wife -- who did not bring a purse hence drivers license -- drive them home before dessert is served.  They have to sit up for a couple of hours while gravity works its magic on their digestive tract.  Oh, they also kind of spit up a little if they cough or burp too hard.  Like what a baby does.  Thank goodness I didn't have to put John over my shoulder and pat his back.
So I'm sad to say that I cannot tell you about the dessert.  I'm sure if I knew what it was, I would be beyond disappointed to have missed out.  However, John is a little wiser this morning and back at work with no ill effects, other than a slight hangover.
It's good to have a chuckle over something during this whole adventure.  I hope this gives you one, too.  As always, you are all the best and I thank you for your continuing support.  Oh, and I thank the Stones for a very fun, albeit slightly abbreviated, evening...With love...Nancy

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last Day of Radiation

Yesterday was John's final day of radiation therapy.  Yippee!  It's the end of 6-1/2 weeks of Monday through Friday...a total of 33 sessions.  Now his body can start to recover, he can lose the fatigue and -- best of all -- eat something with tomatoes!  In about a week or so, that is.
I cannot say enough good things about the staff and volunteers at the Bellingham Cancer Center.  They are more than caregivers; they are cheerleaders.  They are the ones who helped us get up and face each day with a positive attitude because we looked forward to going to the Center to see THEM.  Thank you to each and every one for helping us along this difficult part of the journey.
And I have to say that am so very, VERY proud of John.  He was so disappointed (we both were) to get the post-surgical pathology report saying that cancer cells had been found outside the original area and that more treatment was recommended.  After a big sigh, he picked himself up and powered through these last several weeks of chemo and radiation.  Believe me, that was not a simple feat.  It required courage and determination that leaves me in awe.  I didn't think I could, but I love John even more for what he has accomplished, with such grace and dignity, and what he continues to do.
The light at the end of the tunnel continues to get brighter.  Now all that's left is 2-3 more rounds of chemo.  It will be a systemic "recipe" of Cisplatin and Epirubicin that targets the whole body rather than just concentrating on areas being treated with radiation.  His next treatment will be somewhere around September 19/20 and will be administered every three weeks.  Not sure how John will respond to the new regimen, but he will definitely be sporting his "Pirate/Bruce Willis" look for a few more months.  Let's just hope that he handles the new drugs as well as the ones previous.
I have said "thank you" so often that I'm afraid that it is starting to sound trite.  My thanks are not expressed lightly.  Thank you to EVERYONE who has come with us on this journey.  Thank you for staying by our side.  Thank you for caring and for being our friends.  We're almost there...sincerest thanks again...Nancy