Monday, September 19, 2011

New Chemo Tomorrow

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything.  That's a good thing since nothing much has been going on.  We've reported to the infusion center each Tuesday morning so that John's picc line dressing could be changed and his blood levels checked.  All has been going well.  He's still be having problems with nausea, probably a result of his previous chemo and still-healing from all that radiation.  But the nausea medication is keeping things in check.  Hopefully they will continue to do so with the new "chemo recipe."
Something good to report is that John has not needed overnight tube feedings for about a week now as he's maintaining his weight by, simply, eating.  He had put on a couple of pounds so we decided to forego the "bag-o-meal" and see how things went.  So far he's keeping his weight steady.  But the feeding tube will remain in place during these next rounds of chemo as a safeguard should nausea become a complication.
I will let you know how things go tomorrow.  If the pattern remains the same as with previous chemo, John should feel "okay" until this coming weekend.  That's when his neutrophil/white cell counts plummeted in the past.
I've still got the rosary beads going daily and I thank you for doing "the same...." whatever that is for you.  The journey continues.  I am holding your hands and carrying you in my heart...Nancy

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