Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last Day of Radiation

Yesterday was John's final day of radiation therapy.  Yippee!  It's the end of 6-1/2 weeks of Monday through Friday...a total of 33 sessions.  Now his body can start to recover, he can lose the fatigue and -- best of all -- eat something with tomatoes!  In about a week or so, that is.
I cannot say enough good things about the staff and volunteers at the Bellingham Cancer Center.  They are more than caregivers; they are cheerleaders.  They are the ones who helped us get up and face each day with a positive attitude because we looked forward to going to the Center to see THEM.  Thank you to each and every one for helping us along this difficult part of the journey.
And I have to say that am so very, VERY proud of John.  He was so disappointed (we both were) to get the post-surgical pathology report saying that cancer cells had been found outside the original area and that more treatment was recommended.  After a big sigh, he picked himself up and powered through these last several weeks of chemo and radiation.  Believe me, that was not a simple feat.  It required courage and determination that leaves me in awe.  I didn't think I could, but I love John even more for what he has accomplished, with such grace and dignity, and what he continues to do.
The light at the end of the tunnel continues to get brighter.  Now all that's left is 2-3 more rounds of chemo.  It will be a systemic "recipe" of Cisplatin and Epirubicin that targets the whole body rather than just concentrating on areas being treated with radiation.  His next treatment will be somewhere around September 19/20 and will be administered every three weeks.  Not sure how John will respond to the new regimen, but he will definitely be sporting his "Pirate/Bruce Willis" look for a few more months.  Let's just hope that he handles the new drugs as well as the ones previous.
I have said "thank you" so often that I'm afraid that it is starting to sound trite.  My thanks are not expressed lightly.  Thank you to EVERYONE who has come with us on this journey.  Thank you for staying by our side.  Thank you for caring and for being our friends.  We're almost there...sincerest thanks again...Nancy

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