Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy Day

Well if all goes as well as it has been, John will indeed be discharged sometime tomorrow.  Today was "Nancy Goes to School" Day.  We've had an IV pole; two pumps; numerous tubes, bags, syringes, accessories; a pump backpack; etc. delivered to my mother's house for John's at-home "Bag-O-Meal" program.   I had to learn how to set up, prime and run the pump.  I also had to learn how to flush John's feeding tube as well as clean and dress the area.  There are a lot of nurses in my side of the family, including my mother.  I never thought I'd be one.  Oh the irony...
John's doing very well.  His final chest tube was pulled late this morning, so he's footloose and fancy free for his strolls up and down the hall.  He's a little more tired and feeling some of the aches and pains that come with surgery a little more, but on the whole...he's super.  But then I ALWAYS knew that.
We got his pathology report yesterday afternoon.  It was very good.  Not super-duper, but VERY good.  The cut lines on his esophagus were clean for cancer which is wonderful.  The doctors removed a total of 15 lymph nodes from the immediate area where the tumor was as well as from other areas of his chest.  Some of those showed cancer cells still active.  What this means is that the "Tumor Board" and Virginia Mason will review his results, as will his oncologists at St. Joe's in Bellingham.  They will make a recommendation on whether or not John will need post-surgical chemo.  I have a hunch they will make that recommendation -- which is not a bad thing.  I look at it as kind of insurance; an extra one-two punch to get rid of the disease.
For now we will be staying with my mom until probably Thursday should anyone want to visit.  I think it's a good idea to stay close to VM until we know that John can process regular food.  (Regular food the consistency of smooth pudding, that is...yum-yum.)
Writing this blog has been very cathartic for me and I've tried to keep things light and interesting.  I'll continue to keep you apprised of John's progress as he gets weaned off of his "Bag-O-Meal" regimen and back on solid food.  I'm sure there will be some humorous stories to share as we go down this particular path on our cancer journey.
To everyone who has sent email notes, comments, cards, calls, prayers...Thank you.  John and I truly have the greatest life because you are all part of it.  I'm keeping you all -- even those of you who I have not personally met yet but have sent best wishes -- in my breast pocket, close to my heart.  I'll be talking to you...Nancy

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