Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Day After...

After a 7-plus-hour procedure and a 15-plus-hour wait, John came through surgery with flying colors.  Dr. Low came out to the waiting room to deliver the good news that John had remained stable throughout the entire procedure and he has every confidence that John will convalesce well.  He said that John's positive attitude -- which has actually been a huge support for me through these last few months -- is indicative of a patient who will recover well from this procedure.  We expect a pathology report in a few days which will tell doctors whether or not John will need any post-operative chemo.  We are, naturally, hoping results will be negative.
As I write this, John's having his first post-surgical "meal:" A high-calorie breakfast/lunch/dinner in a bag.  Because his new esophagus-made-from-stomach will take some time to heal, he will be enjoying his "Bag-O-Meals" via a feed tube connected directly into his small intestine for a while.  (I wonder if Martha Stewart has any recipes?)  He is now in a regular hospital room after spending last night in post-surgical CCU.  His nurse, Jeanine, is great.  (For single men out there, she's 45, extremely attractive smart...and I would highly recommend a coffee date.)  It's still too soon to know how long he'll be in hospital, but I would guess it will be at least 10 days.
Bless you all and thank you for your care.  Thank you to Laura, our neighbor and best-friend-ever from Bothell for staying with me all day yesterday while waiting.  To Gail (thanks for the jigsaw puzzle -- it will go to the Bellingham Cancer Center after we put it together);  Birch Bay-neighbor Sunny (thanks for the Cougar -- it's gracing John's hospital room); sister-in-law Linda and John's brother Ray for your visits, help and support.  Thanks to Mike and Kathy Wright for your gift.  (John hasn't opened it yet...He will this afternoon when he wakes up from his siesta.)  And thanks to my Mom who came down and wiled away some time with me during the long hours yesterday.  Besides being my Mom, I'd pick you for a mother-in-law any day.  John's lucky to have you.  Your love and support means everything.  And for everyone who has been praying, lighting incense, shaking rattles, chanting...whatever...Thank you!  I'll keep you posted...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I hope he continues to get better smoothly. The bag-o-meals sound delicious.

    Hugs to you both~ and continuing positive juju vibes ;)
