Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Going Home!

I'm once again taking advantage of Virginia Mason's wi-fi to post the latest on John.  Today's blood work and X-ray showed all looking great!  His white cell count is NORMAL so we can go home.  My mom has been incredibly gracious about us taking over her home...And has taken a real "shine" to our cats -- Token in particular.  They seem to have mutually developed a game of "Beat the Closet Door."  No matter where Token is in the house, the minute he hears her bedroom closet door open he zooms upstairs and tries to get in before she can shut the door.  Token is either a big fan of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," trying to get to Narnia via the closet or he fancies himself on an exotic safari through the wilds of Mom's clothing.  At any rate, I'm sure Mom will be glad to get the pharmacy off of her kitchen counter, the cats out of her closet and dining room cabinets and get some peace, quiet and routine back into her life.
We have an appointment on Thursday with John's oncologist, Dr. Nestor, for a consult on post-surgical chemo.  Because some of the lymph nodes removed during surgery showed live cancer cells, we expect Dr. Nestor to recommend some additional treatment.  But John's overall attitude, recovery thus far and  determination give me confidence that he'll handle this next phase well.
And it's truly, TRULY, with thanks to you all and the incredibly wonderful people who have helped us thus far.  I can honestly say that if it were not for John's cancer, we would never have met some of the finest people ever.  I include John's surgeon, Dr. Low (what an honorable, knowledgeable, kind gentleman!) the nurses on VM's 16th floor, the IV team at VM, radiologists, even the parking attendants who were so kind to me during my long days at the hospital, other patients and their families...the list is endless.  And thank you to you all.  Your love, friendship, visits, care and support are so valued.  May you know how treasured you are...On to the next step, carrying you all in our hearts...Nancy

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