Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hospital Update...

Yesterday went as written except for a spike in John's temperature; not unusual post-surgery.  So after administering a dose of Tylenol (he can't swallow ANYTHING so use your imagination as to how he got his Tylenol) and a few laps up and down the hall, his temp went down.
This a.m. Dr. Low and entourage visited around 8:45 and all were very positive.  One of John's chest tubes was removed and as I write, he's having a sponge bath and preparing for his first walk of the day.  He still has one chest tube, catheter, nasal tube and IV for pain medication.  Cath may come out today; second chest tube perhaps tomorrow; nasal tube perhaps the day after that.
So the next few days will be the same routine (HOPEFULLY):  A minimum of 4 or 5 hallway strolls, breathing exercises, more time out of bed in a chair...and no unusual complications.  If anyone in the area wants to visit later this week, John should be up for some company.  And -- rumor has it -- he's getting a private room.  Yea!
Thank you (I say that a lot and it's starting to sound lame...But I truly mean it) for keeping us in your hearts, thoughts and prayers...I'll let you all know how things progress...Nancy


  1. Great updates...John's doing very well it seems - each tube removed is something to celebrate. You're really on the other side of the hill now. Best wishes to you both, J & S

  2. Glad to hear the surgery went splendidly and John is able to follow all the post-surgery protocol.
    Nancy, please take care of yourself during this recovery time for John. You are both so important to us!!

    Sending hugs and well wishes to you both,

    xo Amy & Kevin
