Sunday, May 15, 2011

Surgery Tomorrow

Well we're finally down to crunch time.  Packing the cats and heading to "Grandma's" house this morning.  John will start his pre-surgery prep this afternoon.  Not unlike getting ready for a colonoscopy, only much less "beverage" to take.  Just one small bottle.  Breakfast this a.m. will be scrambled eggs and toast.  I feel kind of bad making such a mundane meal since it will be a while before John gets to eat real food.
It's a drizzly morning with rain in the forecast for a few days.  But the bergenia in our front yard is in full pink bloom.  The dogwood and ginko trees are nicely leafing out.  And I harvested the first crop of rhubarb which I'll take to Mom's and make a batch of sauce for the two of us to have in the mornings for breakfast.
I have every confidence that John's surgery will go well.  After all, he has all of you rooting him on, praying for him and working on those jigsaw puzzles, sending "good juju."  Since John's procedure is a long one and he'll be in recovery for a while, I won't have any concrete info until late tomorrow.  So I'll probably be posting either very late Monday night or on Tuesday.  Thank you for your friendship and support.  You are all appreciated more than I can ever say.  As Peter Pan said, "Come, everybody.  Here we go!"....Nancy


  1. Thinking of you both.
    Sean and Julie

  2. Hi John and Nancy,

    Hope all went well yesterday. I've had a little
    trouble setting up an account. Wanted to let
    you know we're praying and you're always in our thoughts.


  3. Thinking of both of you. We hope the surgery went well yesterday. We are praying you will be home soon.

    Jeanne and Karin
