Friday, May 27, 2011

A Little Bump in the Road

We thought we'd be heading back home tomorrow. But as I write, we are at VM awaiting another follow-up swallow study and CT scan.  At this morning's post-surgery appointment, John's blood work showed slightly elevated white cell counts indicating some kind of mild infection.  He does not have a fever and the doctors are not overly concerned.  His X-ray did show some accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity where his chest tube was removed, but not enough to panic anyone.  His body should take care of absorbing or eliminating it.
But as a precaution he'll have these follow-up tests and...lucky Mom...we'll be staying until probably Tuesday.  The kitties will be thrilled for some extra "Grandma time" as they are getting a lot of cardio exercise chasing each other up and down stairs.
Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming.  Physically John is making good progress.  But I think he's a little discouraged, even though his couple of blips have been relatively mild.  He has so much support behind him.  Thank you AGAIN for your love and friendship... Still walking the path and will keep you apprised...Nancy

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