Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm sitting in bed at nearly 10:00 p.m.  I want to update this blog, but I want to update with something positive.  Okay...
Yesterday John was fixated on numbers.  Don't ask me why, but I'm sure it's the morphine coupled with the dying process.  He wanted 28.
I asked, "Twenty-eight what?"
"Just 28," he slurred back.
"Well," I prompted, "what does 28 mean?"  John replied, "It's the winning numbers."  So I ventured further.
"Do you know what the numbers 2-6-8-2 mean?"
And then, quite lucidly, John said, "Those are the happiest numbers of my life."
Those numbers correspond to our wedding date.
For that little spark of reality, I am grateful...Tomorrow marks (I think) six weeks in hospice.  I didn't think John would be there more than three or four.  God asks much sometimes.  I hope I won't disappoint Him.  My love and thanks to you all...Nancy.

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