Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Journey's End

John passed away at approximately 9:30 p.m. tonight.  One of the nurses, Nirvana, was by his side.  How appropriate that someone with that beautiful name was praying by his bedside when he went home.  Laura and I returned to Hospice House and stood at the door as John's body was taken away.  When someone passes away at Hospice House, their body is washed with lavender water and the body bag is wrapped in the quilt that was on the person's bed.  The staff forms two lines at the front door and a bell is rung three times, saying good-bye and God speed.
It is over.  John is finally at peace...And I have been truly loved and blessed by a great man...Once again, I thank you...Nancy.


  1. Nancy,
    Our family is thinking of you with the loss of John. In the memories you cherish, may there be so much goodness and love that they will offer comfort when you need it most. With sincere sympathy. Esadeta, Jack, Leila and Hannah

  2. Thinking of you and sending heartfelt condolences. John made us all better people, and for that we are humbly grateful. We will continue to hold both of you in our hearts.
    Sending love, xo Amy & Kevin

  3. I was sorry to receive Shannon's call this morning, but somehow knew that the call would be coming soon. I remember going to the Fiji Island dance during JOhn's and my freshmen year at Wazzu. In the picture he is holding me up in his arms, just as I know he has held you. Now God is holding him in his arms. God love and protect you and I know that John is having a glass of wine with my Mom and Dad. Love you, Lee
