Saturday, February 18, 2012

Help Along the Final Journey

Today John and I decided that it would be best for him to accept an additional drug:  Versed (prounounced ver-said).  This drug is used to produce sleepiness and is commonly used for outpatient procedures such as colonoscopies.  It also allows patients to forget unpleasantness or discomfort.  And it is used to assist terminally ill patients cope with the anxiety and pain that is sometimes associated with death.  The medication is administered via a picc line which is inserted midway up his right arm towards his collar bone.  This picc line does not invade as far as his previous chemo lines did.  Those went into his chest cavity near his heart.
John is now, basically, unresponsive although he did "wake up" when nurses changed his position earlier this evening.  I, along with his brother Ray, were with John during the picc insertion and I received one last gift.  John gently pulled me towards him, kissed me and his last words were, "I love you."
This journey has been life changing, horrible, spiritually awakening and extremely personal.  Everyone will travel their final steps in their own way and those accompanying the traveller with cope differently, too.  I have been told that I am "strong" and that some friends are "proud of me."  That is wrong.
All I have done, and hope that I can continue to do, is love my husband and honor to the best of my ability the vows I made on the day we married.  If I have appeared any way more than that, it is only because of the love and support from all of you.  When the time comes for you to take this final journey, if I can offer a hand, a kind word of support, or a shoulder to cry on then all of this has had some merit and I will be able to justify John's death.  For now I can only say thank you to all of you...And now we wait...There are no words to express my sorrow or gratitude.  Please know you are in my heart always...Nancy


  1. Nancy, that gift will stay with you forever and ever.....what an awesome memory for you to keep......hugs and luv.....Karen

  2. I love you, and know that God gives us the strength we know we can handle, even if we don't think we can.
