Thursday, February 2, 2012


John had a few visitors today:  my mom and dear family friend, Joe Macri; Michael from Haggen; and Jerry Ernster.  Also a couple of friends from one of John's wine tasting groups, Bob and Jenise Stone (I hope I spelled Jenise correctly!) came by while John was napping and brought me dinner of smoked salmon and some broccoli/bean salad.  Thank you!  Much better than the frozen pizza I had planned to nuke this evening.
We also had a visit from Muriel Ferguson, a chaplain from St. Joseph's Hospital who we have come to know throughout this last year of cancer treatment.  She wanted to talk to John about "spirituality."  Not religion or faith, but "spirituality."  She asked John about his values.  He replied that to him, honesty is what matters most.  Always tell the truth.  And do your job -- deliver on your word.
She also asked John if he felt that he had accomplished his goals in life.  Without hesitation he said, "Yes." When Muriel asked in what way, John replied, "I've had this wonderful woman in my life."  And he looked at me.  That, my friends, is pure happiness.  I am honored and blessed to have mattered that much to  the most wonderful man in the world...May each of you experience such happiness in your life...And the journey continues...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. Best birthday gift ever!!
    Sending hugs to you both, xo Amy & Kevin
