Monday, February 20, 2012


Last night I called Laura, our neighbor and friend from our Bothell neighborhood, and asked if she would come spend a night or two with me.  True to form, she dropped everything, called work to say she would not be in for a couple of days, and came to Hospice House where we both spent the night with John.  (Granted there was time when this sleeping arrangement might have raised some eyebrows.  But Laura's a true friend who is not worried about her reputation.)  I was originally planning to go home last night, but around 10:00 we decided to stay.  And another friend of John's -- one of his wine buddies -- Alan French came from Ferndale prepared to sit the night with John as he thought I would not be here.  What a wonderful, kind gesture...And what wonderful friends John and I have!
John's night was spent with cheyne-stokes respiration and congestion settling into his lungs.  This morning, as Laura, the cats and I sit by his bedside, we are all praying that God will take John home now.  I sense the loving presence of others who have walked this path before John, waiting to welcome him.  So I'm asking all of you to pray, meditate or reflect that John will let go of his tired body and go to prepare a feast for us all that will be ready for us to share when our time comes.  There is strength in numbers...Let there be strength in prayer.  We are all better people for having walked this terrible journey together.  But we are also better people for having had John in our lives.  Once again, I thank you all for your help and I thank God for friends...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. I know my mom is welcoming him with open arms Nancy.....and with a big Mary Jo smile....tears, hugs, luv......karen
