Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More Gradual Changes

I've "checked in" for a couple of nights with the cats in John's room.  He's always glad to see Abigail and Token (and me, too, I think), and Token literally revels with all the attention.  It only took about 15 minutes for word of their arrival to get out before his fans started dropping by to marvel at the "Amazingly Handsome Token" and pay a courteous nod to sister Abigail.
John's kidneys are slowing down in their urine output, which I believe indicates the beginnings of renal failure.  Don't know how long this will go on; it's in Hands far greater than any one's here.  John's eating and fluid intake has also decreased.  As of 3:30 this afternoon, he has eaten one canned apricot and one canned prune accompanied by about 1/2 c of water for the day thus far.
I wish I had some great words of wisdom to impart or a witticism to lighten your hearts.  I'll just, once again, say thank you for the visits, the cards, the prayers and positive thoughts.  And from John, Abigail, Token and myself...we send you love...Nancy

1 comment:

  1. That Token! He's probably ready for Broadway. Hope Abby doesn't develop a complex from all the favoritism bestowed on the star of the family.

    To examine and appraise John's life ebbing in tiny increments must be the loneliest vigil imaginable. My heart aches for you.

    Continuing to pray for comfort for John and you.
    Kay Dee
